Become a Member

How do I become a Member?

Prospective Members must sign a membership contract. Next, Board Members must vote to approve the membership contract. Once approved, new Members must transfer their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits to Lake Area Waste Water Association.  Interested in meeting with a Lake Area Waste Water Representative? Please fill out the contact form below!

What is a Member’s responsibility?

Members are responsible for getting their wastewater to their pump station or mainline.  Members are also responsible for the electricity to the wastewater treatment facility and pump stations.

Moreover, Members are asked to attend annual meetings where they are given a voice and vote.

Can Members opt-out?

Of course! Homeowner Associations, municipalities, and businesses can opt out of a contract by meeting three conditions. First, any capital improvements must be paid back on a 15-year depreciation schedule. Second, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources will issue an operating permit requesting out. Third, by a collective vote of the Members.

Contact Form
